Sometimes an outside perspective is what you need. Kitchen Sense, LLC
According to Mitchell Davis (aka Kitchen Sense), there’s a unique type of knowledge we gain through food. Owing to French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss’s idea that food is good to think, Davis has built a model of innovation and problem solving that draws on the unique characteristics of this food knowledge—with an emphasis on quality, craft, place, authenticity, tangibility, pragmatism, hospitality, communication, and community. To grow, cook, feed, nourish, preserve, and discard food gives you a unique set of skills as well as a unique perspective on the world, a set of values.
Does your organization face a challenge it needs help to overcome? Is your team having trouble setting strategic goals, establishing priorities, and sticking to them? Will an outside perspective help you break through the current anxiety of uncertainty to take your effectiveness to the next level? Do you want to know how you and your business can use food and food knowledge to deliver on the values of equity, social and racial justice, transparency, and sustainability, while remaining viable and growing?
With more than 30 years of experience working with all types of organization across the nonprofit and for-profit spectrum, Davis brings a unique set of skills and experience to bear on your personal, your team’s, and your organization’s success.
A Selection of Clients and Collaborators on Current and Previous Projects